The 2022 Honor Flight Show Soars

The 2022 edition  of the Eagles/Gents flight show was a success despite the blowtorch hot 100# temperatures.  135 cars registered for the show and a number of donations were made above and beyond the $15 entry.  Thank  you all who participated and gave to this worthy event.  Hope to see you again next year.  

Proud West Valley H.S. Eagles

Former West Valley High School graduates, old and new, gathered at the Miss Shifters West Valley Senior All Nighter open car show, May 22, 2022. The show was very well attended and raised money for West Vallley’s 2022 graduates and their upcoming senior all nighter. The Gents Auto Club was born at West Valley in 1963.

The Gents 8th Annual AutoNation Spring Fling Open Car Show, May 14, 2022

The Gents Auto Club will team up once again with AutoNation Chevrolet for their eight annual Spring Fling open car show,
 Saturday, May 14 2022.  $15  registration begins at 9:00 AM and all proceeds go to one of our charities.  Bring your ride, enjoy some spring sun, and have lunch on us.  Hope to see you there.

Don Rogers

Our Gents Auto Club Treasurer Don Rogers is currently recovering at the Cheney Care Center, 2219 N 6th Street, Cheney, Room 21. He would love to have you visit so stop by and see him. P.S. Car and trucking magazines would make his day!

2022 INCCC Show-no-Shine “On the Road Again”

Gents Auto Club Members Jay and Holly Easterwood’s smiles  lit up their table at the Inland Northwest Car Club Council’s Show-no-Shine Award Banquet, February 26, 2022.  195 car enthusiasts from the Inland Northwest attended the event at Spokane’s Doubletree Hilton Hotel.  
Show-no-Shine banquet tickets will be available at our February meeting. Hope to see you there.