Membership Rules



  1. Prospective members shall be at least 16 years of age.
  2. A new applicant can apply either as a car under construction car or a sticker/plaque capable car.
  3. There is NO start year or end year of cars accepted into the Gent’s Auto Club but they need to be AMERICAN MADE CARS ONLY!
  4. Rat Rods are not acceptable into the Gent’s Auto Club!
  5. Applicants must have one sponsor. The sponsor must have at least one year membership seniority.
  6. If the vehicle meets the approval of the sticker/plaque committee, it is their responsibility to notify the sponsors the vehicle is acceptable. The sticker/plaque committee also shall have the responsibility to notify the President and Vice-President.
  7. The Vice President shall provide a packet to present to the prospective member. It shall include an application form, new member’s rules, a copy of the by-laws, and a sticker/plaque inspection form.
  8. The perspective member shall present the application and pictures at the next regularly scheduled meeting. They are to present to the membership the reasons behind their sponsorship, photos of the vehicle, and any information they deem valuable to the membership. The prospective members shall attend three meetings. The prospective member shall have his vehicle present at a minimum of one meeting. In case of inclement weather the head of the Sticker/Plaque committee may schedule a visit with the perspective member, with a crew of at least 5, and inspect the car.
  9. Final voting on the prospective members shall occur only when attendance requirements have been met. To gain membership, a prospective member shall have acceptance of 50% +1 of those voting.
  10. If accepted, the stated car coming into the Gent’s Auto Club, will only display the Gent’s sticker or plaque. Good guys stickers are the only exception.
  11. Dues shall be paid immediately upon approval as a member of the Gent’s Auto Club.
  12. st a perspective new member will only have to pay 50% of annual dues.
  13. If accepted into the Gents, apparel can be obtained through our treasurer.