Our longtime and dear Gents members Jan and Craig Copher are asking for help. Many of you in our club and the local car community know of the medical difficulties both Jan and Craig have faced over the last year. Jan is slowly recovering from her recent surgery. Craig’s condition is terminal and, unfortunately, his passing is near. Jan has set up an end of life Gofundme page in order to help with many of the expenses and an income gap she will soon be facing.
You can access Craig’s Gofundme account here: gofundme.com In the search box, upper left of page, enter “Janis Copher” and click on final expenses. Jan and Craig have been loyal and active Gents members and friends over the years and now it can be our turn to show appreciation for that friendship. Please consider helping them out in their time of need
Members from area car clubs and The Pacific Northwest Cruisers braved the cold weather to enjoy burgers and fellowship on Saturday, January 23. Temperatures near freezing couldn’t dampen their spirit and a few hearty souls arrived in their rides. Pictured L – R: Bill Keehner, Jim Earlscourt, Darrin Warner, Brad Kisela. and Crystal Ann Redinger.
Members of The Gents, Pharoahs, Vipers, and Pacific Northwest Cruisers handed out treats to more than five-hundred kids and their families on Halloween, October 31st. 2020. Creative costumes were in abundance along with a lot of smiles. The all day event was held at the Green Acres Vendor Mall.