The Eagles/Gents 2021 Honor Flight open car show was a huge success with over 150 cars registering. Shiny rides, baked goods, raffle prizes, and smiles were the order of the day. Thank you all for attending and see you next year.
Members of the Gents, Pharoahs, Miss Shifters all girls Car Club, and the Spokane Hot Rod Girls share a moment in the sun at the Gents/Wendle open Car Show, June 20, 2021.
Gents, Paharoahs and friends at Greenwood Cemetery’s Salute to Service, May 30, 2021. A perfect spring evening of cars, hot dogs, music, and fellowship.
Members of the Gents, Miss Shifters, Pharoahs, Spokane Hot Rod Association and Spokane Hot Rod Girls joined forces across from the JOYA school for their annual Penny Drive on May 22, 2021. We had a wonderful time and collected $600 in cash and just over 200 pounds of change from passing cars. Thank you everyone who participated and especially the Garland Church for letting use your lot. So grateful to JOYA for all that you do and the coffee, pastries and pizza! See you next year.
The Gents lost their brother Randy Jones to A.L.S. on April 30, 2021. We will miss Randy’s sense of humor, his easy smile and friendship. Rest in peace, Randy.
Members of the Gents, Pharoahs, Vipers, Pacific Northwest Cruisers and other clubs gathered for a burger run at Ron’s Drive In on Saturday, April 17, 2021. The turnout was good as was the perfect spring weather.
Members of the Gents toured with the H.A.S.S.I.E. Club on their road trip to Hayden, Idaho’s Stoddard Park on Saturday, March 27th. A well planned route to the park took attendees on scenic back roads across the border and into Hayden where we enjoyed lunch and good company. Here Gents member Marc Flemming toasts the camera on the sunny but blustery day.
Call to Order Gavel Begin Meeting Start Discussion 3d Illustration
Good News Gents Sisters and Brothers….. We are going to have our first “in person” Gents meeting at the Eagles, Wednesday, April 7, 6:00 P.M. More information as it becomes available.