2017 Eagle’s Honor Flight Show

Spokane Hot Rod Girl Crystal awards the first place trophy to Jeff for his stunning black SS/396 1968 Camaro. Congratulations Jeff!
Matt is awarded his trophy by Crystal from the Spokane Hot Rod Girls. Congratulations Matt.
The Gents Auto Club will cruise up and down Riverside Avenue, much like we did back in the day. We’ll meet at Jeff’s Custom Auto Detail, 14 West Augusta at 6:15 P.M. on Friday, June 16 and leave for downtown at 6:45 to cruise “The Gut” by 7:00. Our group will eventually end up at the Pizza Pipeline, 1403 North Division, for socializing, refreshments, and, of course, checking out our rides . Hope you can join us. Questions? Shoot us a message.
Spokane Hot Rod Girls Sidney and Jet present Bruce with his award for Best Modern Muscle class.
The Gents Auto Club celebrate their Spokane Speed and Custom Show awards at their May 3 meeting. Nine major class trophies were awarded along with a trophy and cash prize for the best club display. Congratulations Gents.
Club president Tom Yedinak and treasurer Don Rogers present a check to the 2017 Guild School’s Penny Drive director. Thank you Gents members for taking the time to bring your cars and participating in this worthy event. Photo courtesy of Rocky Gibbs.
The Spokane Hot Rod Association and Spokane Hot Rod Girls model team we be at our Gents display on Saturday at 12:30. Hope to see you there. Oh, yes….that’s club president Tom Yedinak’s 63 Galaxie.
Front Row: Steve Strenge, Frank B., John Grenay, Randy Stella
Back Row: Mike Clemmons, Rick Markham, Tom Wolverton, Don Rogers, Steve Wohl, Dan Gregory, Dan Ray, Jack Haley